Sun and privacy protection
for pleasant work

Sun protection and security with 3M Window Films

With the right and properly applied sun protection film, you can reduce heat by up to 80% on hot summer days. This creates a pleasant indoor and working climate for your employees, and you can simultaneously reduce energy costs without having to replace all your windows.

3M Video

"Sun Protection for Buildings"

Sun protection

UV protection for office and business premises

Did you know that the right sun protection films in the right places create a pleasant and healthy indoor and working climate? In summer, the heat stays outside, and in many cases, air conditioning is not necessary. And in winter, with a low sun angle, glazed areas are still sufficiently warmed by vertical glass surfaces. Sun protection films cleverly ensure pleasant room temperatures and energy efficiency. UV protection films are suitable for preserving value, and safety films provide security.

Window front sun protection film

Heat, goodbye!

As room temperatures rise, the productivity and efficiency of people inside decrease. Sun protection films ensure pleasant room temperatures and increase energy efficiency. Christinger AG was able to clad the entire window front of the Zurich Opera House with a reflective sun protection film, thereby ensuring more sustainable energy consumption and pleasant working conditions.

Safety film

Protects against burglars

Do you want to protect your building, consisting of windows and glass surfaces, from burglars? There is also a suitable solution for this need: application of a burglary protection/sun protection combination film. Our specialized team focuses on building films. We offer the right solution for every need, and our experts will be happy to advise you.

Get in touch with us

Your experts for sun protection films

Luca Weber
Zoe Dillier
Debora Mösch
Sandra Gabrieli